Edit your self-talk to be more positive


  1. Practice mindfulness daily.
    Start by becoming more aware of your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. Mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment without judgment. This can help you identify the nature of your self-talk. Are your thoughts generally positive or negative? Do you criticize yourself more than you praise yourself? An easy way to begin practicing mindfulness is by taking a few minutes each day to sit quietly and observe your thoughts, or by doing a simple activity like walking or eating mindfully, fully engaging with the experience.
  2. Monitor your self-talk.
    Make it a habit to listen to the words and phrases you use with yourself throughout the day. This step involves paying attention to both your internal dialogue and the words you speak out loud. Whenever you catch yourself in a moment of self-talk, pause and ask yourself, "Is this thought helpful or harmful?" Monitoring your self-talk allows you to catch negative patterns that you may want to change.
  3. Edit your self-talk in real time.
    Whenever you notice negative or self-defeating thoughts, consciously stop and reframe them into something positive. For example, if you think, "I'm not good at this," immediately edit that thought to, "I am improving every day." It's about flipping the script in the moment to foster a more positive mindset. This practice can start with small, manageable changes in language that build up to significantly alter your internal narrative over time.


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