Tap into your audience's emotion


  1. Identify what drives your audience.
    Begin by figuring out what motivates the individuals you're addressing. People generally aim to gain something positive or avoid something negative. By observing their actions and engaging in meaningful conversations, you can grasp what truly motivates them. Is it the thrill of achieving something new, or the fear of losing what they already have? Write them down.
  2. Highlight the gap between their current and desired states.
    Clearly illustrate the difference between the current situation of your target audience and where they aspire to be. This step involves a deep dive into understanding their goals and fears. By mapping out this contrast, you can create a compelling reason for change. For example, if someone is worried about their financial security, you could discuss the benefits of saving or investing for the future compared to their current spending habits.
  3. Use "How would you feel if...?" technique to appeal to their emotions.
    Acknowledge that emotion trumps logic in decision-making. When presenting your idea or solution, emphasize how it will make the other person feel rather than just the logical benefits. Use the question "How would you feel if...?" to help people think about how different choices might make them feel. This question works well for both good and bad possibilities. For example, you could ask, "How would you feel if this project you're not sure about becomes a big win?" or "How would you feel if you missed this chance and ended up regretting it?"


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