Calculate how much your time is worth


  1. Decide your base income target.
    Ask yourself how much you will take out of your business this year in salary, perks, and contributions to retirement plans.
    Example: $200,000.

  2. Divide it by the number of workday hours to get the hourly base number.
    220 workdays a year x 8 hours a day = 1,760 work hours in a year.
    Example: $200,000/1,760 = $113.64 an hour.

  3. Estimate your unproductive vs. productive hours ratio.
    If you don’t know it, you can use one-third as the rate.

  4. Multiply hourly base number with productive hours ratio.
    That’s what your time is worth per hour.
    Example: 113.64 * 3 = $340.92 an hour.

  5. Divide your worth per hour by 60.
    That’s what your time is worth per minute.
    Example: 340.92/60 = $5.68 a minute

  6. Write the number on cards where you can see it all the time until you internalize it.


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