Build your character


  1. Learn through experience - yours and other people’s
    Learning and listening not only through your own experience but  how others overcome their struggles will similarly inspire you too. Sometimes, you do not need to go through the mistakes others have already been through to learn the lesson.

  2. Stay true to your character even when no one is looking
    Your character encompasses all your behaviors. It is not dependent on the outcome of your actions, but your actions themselves.

  3. Embrace honesty
    Be honest with yourself about your shortcomings, so you know where to improve. Encourage others to be honest with you too, they’ll help you with your blind spots.

  4. Get bored and reflect, then write your thoughts down
    Do absolutely nothing and let your mind wander once in a while.. Afterwards, write what you remember down and learn from it.

  5. Track your bad habits and triggers to see yourself more objectively
    Reflect on the past week and write down all the bad habits you engaged in. Think about what triggered the bad habits - did you get annoyed at something, for example? Address your triggers and the bad habits will be easier to manage.

  6. Expose yourself to new experiences
    Learn a new language, attend a class, travel to a different continent. The more you expose yourself to, the more opportunities you have to build your character. Embrace these opportunities and pay attention to the signals around you.

  7. Find a higher purpose
    Believe in something bigger than yourself, and you’ll be motivated even when it gets tough.

  8. Be aggressive
    For example, if you want to lose weight, cut out sugar from your diet entirely. If someone asks why, simply say that you don’t eat sugar - aggressively focus on this, and weight loss will follow.


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