Build trust with your board of directors


  1. Choose radical transparency.
    Avoid keeping important information from your board. Share even the complex details involving mergers and acquisitions, regulatory compliance issues, customer complaints, etc.
  2. Build a strong relationship with the board chair.
    Start with the board chair when practicing radical transparency. Share the news they need to hear, good or bad. Since they run the board, they can help you by shutting down red herrings and ensuring the real issues are focused on, at the right level. Also, engage with them as mentors — sounding boards to sharpen your thinking.
  3. Reach out to individual directors.
    Invest in building relationships with all of the other board members. Get to know each director personally. Understand their worldview, priorities, communication preferences, and what specific talents they bring to the table. It’s absolutely essential that your board understands you, and you understand them individually. This builds trust and transparency.
  4. Expose the board to management.
    Ensure the board has direct access to management. Encourage your executive team to play active roles in board meetings, presenting their work and ideas to the board while being open to their questions and scrutiny.


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