Build the right routine to achieve a goal


  1. Decide on the goal you are preparing to achieve.
    For example, you could want to prepare yourself to lose weight in a couple of months or start an online degree program.

  2. Decide on the specific activity you will be repeating.
    For example, it could be to go for a run every day.

  3. Decide on a convenient time for your routine.
    You can schedule your routine for anytime as long it fits with other things on your schedule.

  4. Start with a small step that you will actively do.
    For example, you could decide to go for a 15-minute walk daily before going on long walks.

  5. Make your first step stand alone.
    Build your routine on a single action that makes all the other actions easier or necessary. For example, you could decide to put on soothing music whenever you have a huge workload to catch up within your office.

  6. Remember where you are headed.
    When you are aware of your destination, you will be motivated to keep working hard.


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