Become an entrepreneur before you quit your job


  1. Take baby steps to free yourself while still working for someone else
    Make a list of every dream you want to accomplish. Do you want to be a bestselling author? Do you want to be healthier? Do you want to experience less worry? Do you want to help people? Do you want more time for yourself? These are themes that you can start to pursue while still employed. Find ways to practice these themes every day.

  2. Keep yourself motivated to open your eyes to possibilities and opportunities
    Read self-help books to stay motivated. Motivational books can reveal to you the power of changing reality through your mindset. They train your mind to look for opportunities so that by the time you have an amazing idea for a book, business, etc., you’re ready to take action on it.

  3. Identify a problem that many people have and find a solution for it
    The world has millions of problems. Identify one problem that is close to your heart and then write down at least 10 solutions for it. Think about how you can convert one of those solutions into a business that can offer value for customers.

  4. Prepare for the industry you’re going into by doing extensive research
    If you have a full-time job, you can spend your nights researching ideas and solutions that can offer value to customers. For example, go online and research some of the products in an industry, the patents involved, and how each product is manufactured. Get as much information as you can so that you’ll be ready to transition into your business when the time is right.

  5. Focus on building trust and getting a few customers before scaling up
    You can build trust with potential customers by creating a website and blogging about your ideas, solutions, and tips with your audience. This allows you to build credibility and convince your audience that you’re the right person to solve their problem. Then you can easily convince them to buy your product or service.


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