Be compassionate toward yourself so that you can truly empathize with others


  1. Create some alone time to tune into your own emotional state
    Sit down and meditate early in the morning to connect to yourself. Take deep breaths, be still and listen to what’s happening within you. You can also take a walk in nature. Use this time to show yourself compassion and care before going out into the world.

  2. Express your pain in a nonviolent way without blaming others
    You’ve come home from a long and frustrating day at work and find your two sons fighting. You have no energy to empathize with them. You can say “Hey, I’m really stressed out right now! I do not want to deal with your fighting, so please let me have some peace and quiet!” You’re calling attention to your needs and asking for empathy instead of blaming them.

  3. Paraphrase what the speaker has said in form of a question
    Your daughter is looking in the mirror and you hear her say, “I’m ugly as a pig.” To empathize with her needs, you can say “Are you feeling disappointed with your appearance today?” This shows her that you want to connect to her emotions. Telling her “You’re the most beautiful girl in the whole world” doesn’t have the same impact.


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