Apply the elbow test to perform muscle testing on others


  1. Ask the person whom you are testing to bring their elbow into their side, arm bent at a 90-degree angle.
    Have them lock their upper arm into the body or brace it against the back of a chair. Alternatively, you may want to cup their elbow with your free hand to help stabilize their arm. Their forearm should be parallel to the floor. The palm can be facing up or down; it does not matter.
  2. Place two fingers from your hand on the end of their forearm.
  3. Have your subject state their own name by saying out loud, “My name is ......”
  4. Perform a muscle test by pressing down on the end of the forearm gently.
    The muscle test should show a “yes” answer.
  5. Now have your subject make a false statement by saying out loud, “My name is ......,” filling in the blank with any name that is not their own.
    The result should be muscle weakness or a negative response. Of course, having your subject state the words “yes” and “no” or “love” and “hate” will also work.


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