Adopt strategies for a faster spread of ideas


  1. Break the chain of command when communicating ideas.
    Subordinates can communicate ideas among themselves and with other managers without consulting their superiors. They can inform their manager at a later date. Allowing people to talk to colleagues at any level of the organization, at any time, without fear of reprimand, can speed up the spread of ideas. It also builds a culture of continually asking questions.

  2. Get your team to move fast with new ideas to avoid analysis paralysis.
    Use the OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) loop to implement ideas fast, even with imperfect knowledge. Faster decision-making increases winning chances. You can use instant messaging systems such as Slack or WhatsApp to speed up communication. Brainstorm more often and encourage team members to share as many raw ideas as possible. You can always tweak or pivot an imperfect idea.


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